The “Sentier de l’abricot” or Apricot’s trail will make you discover these fruits in a totally different way!. Whether it be the charming blossoms during spring, the abundant fruits full of taste during the summer, or the warm autumn colors, this trail is beautiful and informative. Located in Saxon, it’s an easy trail of 2-3 hours depending on the choice of difficulty. We visited this lovely place for the first time in spring 2021, during the the first week of April. We were lucky as we managed to still enjoy the late blossoming season. Few days after there were no more flowers. So better to inform yourself beforehand.

During your hike, you can make a stop to visit the emblematic tower of Saxon which stands proudly in the heart of the apricot orchards. Its outside walls are remarkably well preserved. Inside, a narrow spiral staircase leads to the top of the tower from which you will appreciate amazing views of the hillsides and the Rhone River.

 #sentierdelabricot #valais 

#3Kfamilyadventures #saxonswitzerland

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