We loved so much yesterday’s e-bike ride in Isneau (route 590). This is a loop but as the descending itinerary requires more technical skills, we slightly modified our ride and challenged ourselves to continue up the mountain till we reached 1km of elevation!! The 360 degree views of the landscape are wonderful.
We ended doing 24km instead of 16km if we would have followed the route 590 itinerary.

The journey is varied and crosses woods, charming old chalets and green pastures. Starting from Les Diablerets, you are immediately confronted with a long ascension but the reward is so worth it!

We loved the sensation of total freedom @_swingtheworld_ .

Swing the World is a project born with the aim of entertaining people in a creative way, stimulating them to spend time outdoors. The selected locations can be breathtaking panoramas, remote villages or natural attractions.






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