The “Mysterious Gorges of Tête-Noire” in Trient Valley are a natural phenomenon of enormous beauty. To reach this place you need to take the path leading down into the forest for about 30m. It’s a very steep path made up of stone steps and wood ladders. Then you cross the 120m walkway perched in the vertical rock walls; it’s quite impressive. You’ll admire from there the beautiful waterfalls. Then another set of steps, invisible at first glance, and you’ll be under gigantic slabs of rock inside the “grotte aux Nymphes” or fairy grotto. It’s a mystery how these massive rocks lean one against each other, but it certainly creates a magic atmosphere. My husband did great drone shots giving a totally different angle.
We went back the same way; quite a workout for the legs!!!. There’s apparently a way to continue and do a loop, but it started raining and the path started to get very slippery.

Here below you will find some videos to give yourself a better idea how spectacular these gorges are.


#grottesauxnymphes #valdetrient #trientvalley #tetenoire

 #valais #swisstainable #switzerland🇨🇭 #3kfamilyadventures

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