When we arrived to Solalex, we knew we had to spend the night in this piece of paradise!.

Solalex is an excursion destination, a stopover during a walk or the starting point of a hike. It is a must-see place during your stay in the region.

We parked the van by the river, only few meters down the refuge of Solalex (where we had a lovely dinner by the way; fully recommended). Just infront of the Refuge, there is another more high end restaurant called the Miroir d’Argentine (I have only heard good critics about it and you need to reserve in advance).

We walked up the river, had a deep in the refreshing waters, enjoyed a delicious dinner, and made a fire while admiring the majestic light reflected on the Miroir d’Argentine.

The panorama is just grandiose!

And the bonus…? A noiseless night free of all artificial light and covered with millions of stars just above our heads 💖

If you decide to stay overnight in a tent or a caravane as we did, you can do it in the parking below the Refuge (100 m). You just need to pay 5 chf to the forest guard.





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