The Grande Dixence dam, at the head of the Val d’Hérémence in the canton of Valais, is the world’s highest gravity dam. Construction on the dam began in 1950 and was completed in 1961 (commissioned in 1965).

The complex offers several great attractions including a giant Zipline which we obviously had to try ☝️😬

With 700 metres long, the Grande Dixence AlpinLine is definitely worth the trip. It’s the longest zip line in French-speaking Switzerland.
Launching into the void and skimming alongside this concrete colossus – it’s was definitely a truly thrilling experience! Check the videos down here.

After the zip line, we tried another of the attractions that the complex offers: a guided visit inside the heart of this colossal piece of engineering.

The tour takes approximately 1.5 hours (1km walk). The sensation inside those narrow tunnels under a crazy amount of water and cement is quite unique. And the contrast of temperature between 6°C inside and ~32°C outside is unbelievable.

Some key facts about the dam.

✅ Height: 285 m (935 ft). Almost as high as the Eiffel Tower.
✅ Length: 700 m
✅ Width (base): 200 m
✅ Weight: 15 million tons
✅ Dam volume: 6 million m3
✅ Total water capacity
400 million m3
✅ located at 2,365 masl
✅ provide 12% of Switzerland’s stored hydroelectric power.

I classified this post as outdoors AND indoors for the guided tour inside the Grande Dixence.






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