Yesterday we had the impression of being in two different countries. We fist went to Lausanne to have breakfast; but it was cold and grey ☁️🥶.

We therefore decided to move towards the sun, hence Le Valais! ☀️

We anyway had to refill the stock of my favorite wine FAVI 😜🍷

The sun was radiant and the air warm; perfect for a short walk.

We discovered the BISSE DE CLAVEAU and enjoyed the panoramic view of The Valley and the famous terraced vineyards. It’s a bit late in the year, but I can imagine the awesomeness of the hike during summer or beginning of Autumn.

Surrounded by enormous drystone walls, the bisse was built in 1453 and is still used for spray-irrigation of the vineyards of Ayent, Grimisuat and Sion. The footpath allows walkers to follow the old route with its corbelled structures, overhanging sections supported by wooden girders and a short tunnel; local produce can be sampled at several stalls along the way.

The 13.5km hike starts off from the village of St-Romain and finishes to the north of Sion. It is a low altitude hike, hence it can be done almost all year long.

We did only 4 km. We reached THE CUBE, a panoramic wine tasting terrace with spectacular views. It was closed, but we’ll certainly try next summer.




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