The idyllic and romantic Château de la Tour de Peilz is home of the Swiss Museum of the Game. As it is said, “playing is a deep need of any human and essential to any civil society”. Interactive and user-friendly, this museum invites you to take a journey into the fascinating universe of familiar and unusual games from other countries.
The gorgeous castle was built in the 13th century. It served as a fortress and refuge, but also as an observation point and a custom’s post. After a heavy damage from the wars in 1476 and, nearly three centuries later, the castle became a private property and was totally transformed. After a public vote, it was finally acquired by the city of La Tour de Peilz in 1979. And it hosts the Museum of Game since 1987.
It’s a lovely place to organize events. You can also celebrate your kid’s birthday. And don’t miss the September Game’s festival, when lots of classic games are brought out to the park to be tried out by the public (free access).
Recently, the Joker’s restaurant was opened on the lake side. Its spacious and cozy terrace are very inviting for an after-work. There is also a nice playground and a big grass park next to the castle with direct access to the lake.

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 #castlesofswitzerland #thejokersbistro #vaud #vaudtourisme #iloveswitzerland 

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