Charmey offers a great deal of biking options. There are 4 main e-bike trails (see map in one of the pics). We did the easy one (red color) of approximately 12 km in 1 hour and 15m. It was mostly flat on a road with only few cars. We would have preferred a non paved trail though.
This trail brings you to the “Valsainte” monastery (valley of all saints). Founded in the 13th century, the charterhouse was installed in this remote part of Gruyère. This community of monks is from a very austere order who chose to live shut away from the world, silent and solitary, dedicating their time to prayer.
Within an enclosed wall, the monk’s live in small individual sober houses. After being closed by the Fribourg government in 1778, the Carthusian monks returned to their monastery in 1863. The monastery is closed to visitors; only the public chapel and a kiosk can be visited.

The other 3 e-bike paths are much longer, with higher elevation and more technique is required. Maybe next time 😉.

Don’t miss to go for a relaxing swim at the Bains de la Gruyère. With indoor and outdoor pools heated at 34 degrees Celsius, it is the perfect reward after the effort.




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