A fun thrilling experience on a monster scooter in Charmey – FR

After a fabulous 3H adventure in the Zip Line Valley- Charmey (see post), we continued our descent on these monster scooters. It was a first for several boys, but they managed like pros..!💪🏻 It’s not a long drive, excellent for beginners. The path goes down from the mid station, till the center of Charmey town. […]

An easy, mostly flat and short e-bike trail in Charmey – FR

Charmey offers a great deal of biking options. There are 4 main e-bike trails (see map in one of the pics). We did the easy one (red color) of approximately 12 km in 1 hour and 15m. It was mostly flat on a road with only few cars. We would have preferred a non paved […]

The Zip-line Valley in Charmey, one of my son’s favorite! – FR

The Valley of the Zip-lines in Charmey is a super exciting attraction and it’s the first of it’s kind in Switzerland.It’s a great mix of hiking and zip-lines. The course is made of 15 long zip-lines, some over 300 hundred meters long 😲You can chose the 11 zip-line course or the 15, the latter includes […]

Sledding in Charmey – FR

Sledding in Charmey was so much fun!. Maybe because it was snowing as crazy, so the place was empty and we could go a bit crazy. Both David and I were sore from a couple of minor accidents, but it was so much worth the laughter and fun. This 🛷 run goes down a 4km […]