It was so much worth the fear 😱!!! Check out the videos here below.

A trip on the Gelmerbahn is an experience like no other, with a turquoise mountain lake awaiting you after the rattling 10 min. trip backwards up the mountain.

With a gradient of 106 per cent, it is undoubtedly the steepest passenger funicular railway in Europe.

Originally built to transport building material weighing several tonnes, this technological masterpiece now offers an unforgettable rail experience.

Once you have reached the top, you can make a tour around the wild, romantic Lake Gelmer or a hike up to the Gelmerhütte.

Reservation is highly recommended. For updated information on opening times, see the website here below.

And if the challenge of the ride was not enough, also try the Handeckfall Bridge; a suspension bridge connecting the Gelmer Funicular and the Handeck Hotel. It is 70 Meters long and also 70 meters above the gorge. It was originally built to better appreciate the Handegg waterfall.






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