I surprised my husband on our 16th wedding anniversary with this unique experience in Lavaux (UNESCO World Heritage). Eating a fondue inside a wine barrel surrounded by endless wine yards and the most spectacular views was simply memorable and so romantic. We repeated the experience with our son and best buddies last weekend; they loved it too. It’s so special that I’m relieving the secret here so more people can enjoy what’s probably the most amazing spot in the area. After booking on line, you arrive to the destination where you’ll find a “backpack” with an aperitif, the wine of course, all the ingredients ready to cook your own fondue, and even dessert and coffee. You carry this through the wine yards till you reach the barrel some 100m later. All instructions are provided to prepare your delicious fondue. Then you just relax, enjoy the views and embrace this unforgettable moment. Add to this, a walk through the Lavaux wine yards and the multiple little magic towns such as Cully, Epesses, Grandvaux, Lutry, Chexbres to mention some.

The video here below will give you a better idea of this idyllic spot.






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